jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was a brilliant naturalist who changed the way people think about life on earth. One reason why he was able to do this was because he was always passionate about science and nature. He was born on 12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882 in the United Kingdom.
Darwin's father was a famous doctor, however Darwin hated medicine. He loved the nature but he hated the school and his dad thought that he was a very lazy person and he wanted that his soon follow him with the job. His father tried that Darwin studied medicine, but he just stayed on the beach looking the landscape.
Charles quit medicine and his Dad suggested a new career, he could become a priest. Charles went to Christ’s College, Cambridge to study to become a priest… but he didn’t really like that! He spent all his time with his cousin collecting thousands of beetles. At Cambridge Charles met Professor Henslow who was big into plants, and Professor Sedgwick who was big into rocks. They took Charles under their wing and taught him how to study nature in a scientific way. Finally Charles found something he loved.

 When Charles was 22, he went in a trip around the world, he stayed in a big ship called Beagle. In this trip he could study a lot of the nature and he learnt many things. He developed the theory of Darwinism and Natural selection. 

Ángel Castillo

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