jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Questions about science

Questions about science

  • Why scientific method is a good way to study nature?
Scientific method is a series of steps used by scientists to answer questions and solve problems. So why is a good way to study nature? Because the nature is a huge issue to talk, and following the steps of the scientific method it led us to know new things that you didn't know.

  • What's necessary to do for solving a problem by a scientific method?
To solve a problem by a scientific method is necessary to follow the steps that I said before. The steps are:
  1. Observe: Is the courisity of the human being to feel the things that ocurr in the nature. To do it we need the eyes, ears, nose...
  2. Hypothesis elaboration: When we observed something, now is the moment to think about it and to take some ideas.
  3. Experimental designs: The experiments are going to help us to know if the hypothesis are true or false.
  4. Analysis and results: In this step, scientists develop an clasify data in tables and graphics.
  5. Conclusions: In this finally step we can explain and predictions about th problem.

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